The Lion King Hero

The Lion King is a very popular Disney movie, and the main character is the lion Simba. He portrays the role of a hero of many ways, and is the epitomy of what a hero should be. But, who is your heroMine is my grandpa. He was in the military. First of all, my grandpa never gave up until it was a matter of life and death. One time, he hurt his foot very badly when he was fighting in Afghanistan, but he never gave up. He kept fighting until it was absolutely impossible for him to walk. This is just like in Lion King where Mufasa kept fighting to try to get Simba out of the stampede, and he kept trying until he died. Second of all, my grandpa is very caring. If someone around him ever got hurt, he put their safety before his. Finally, he is very brave. One time in India, we were walking through a forest, and a rattlesnake came very close to us. I was terrified, but my grandpa simply grabbed it and slammed it down onto the ground, killing it. This is just like in the Lion King where Mufasa saves Simba and Nala from the hyenas by scaring them away, and by showing no fear. For these reasons and more, my grandpa is my hero.

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