If I Lead My School…

If I was the principal at my school, then I would totally change many things. First of all, I would change the dress code. Last year, we were allowed to wear leggings. This year in middle school, we aren’t. I would change this because some people say that leggings are inappropriate, but as long as our shirt is an appropriate length. Secondly I would let us sit anywhere in the whole cafeteria. In our school, we have 3 families. We can only sit with them. I would make it so that we could sit anywhere, because we work hard at school and so we deserve to sit with our friends.


If I was a teacher, I would make a couple changes, too. First of all, I would give a little less homework. Although homework is necessary, I would give less because when all of our teachers give us a lot of homework, we just get piled with it. Secondly, I would give every assignment online. I would do this for two reasons. One, it saves paper. Everyone at school has a Chromebook, so everyone would get one and it would save a lot of trees. Second, it makes it almost impossible to lose our assignments. Since we all also have school accounts, we can work on them anywhere, anytime if we have internet and we always do. This would make it less likely for people to misplace homework and other things.


Click here to find where I got my first picture.

Click here to find where I got my second picture.

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